Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Character Development.
There are a couple different mythical Gods in the story of Balder's death.  Balder's parents are Odin and Frigg.  Odin being the father, to become the Top Wise Guy,Odin put himself through some incredibly rigorous ordeals.  Frigg, the mother of Balder was the one who was worried most when Balder was having dreams about death, she then went to everyone and everything asking them to not hurt nor kill Balder.  She was successful besides the one mistletoe she didn't bother asking thinking it was too young.  Frigg knows everybody's destiny, but will never reveal it.  Loki, Balder's killer, was an evil one.  Loki went out one day to find the one thing Frigg did not ask to hurt him so he could kill Balder.  One of the world's top Trickster Gods, in Loki's early days he was a rascal.  The son of two giants, Laufey and Farbauti.  He was so outrageously mischievous that he even sneaked his way into becoming a God.  Hod, in the story of Balder's death was Balder's blind brother who was tricked by Loki into throwing the mistletoe and poor Balder.  Hod was killed by Vali in revenge.  Thokk was an old hag who Frigg found sitting in a cave.  She was the only one who wouldn't weep for Baler's return.  Some suggest that Thokk was actually the sneaky god Loki in disguise. 
Post #5.

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