Saturday, February 22, 2014

Something about each of the mythical gods.
  • Aryn- Artemis owns all of the mountains in the world.
  • Jamie- Apollo loves everybody.
  • Carly- Hermes invented the alphebet.
  • Erin- Set killed her own brother.
  • Megan- Dionysos travelts to the earth and back becuase she is half mortal.
  • Rylee- Freeya likes blue cats.
  • Lindsey- Ra.  The eye symbol defends him.
  • Brynn- Isis figured out Ra's true name.
  • Anna- Raven was the first bird out of Noah's ark.
  • Mikaela- Demeter made winter.
  • Emily- Loki was my murderer.
  • Molly- Odin gave his eye away, he took it out with his own hands.
  • Mckenna- Horus married her mother.
  • Claire- Thor loves his hammer.
  • Lia- Guanyin is the god of mercy.  She once was a man but now is a woman.
  • Jazlyn- Osirus lives in the underworld.
  • Emma- Frigg asked everything in the world not to kill me.   

Post #10.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Balder's Myth.
I am Balder.  I am the Norse mythical god of peace and light, loved by everyone.  My parents were Odin and Frigg and I had three brothers, Thor, Hod, and Hermod.  I married Nanna and had a son named Forseti, the god of jusitce.  A little later on in my life I started to have awful dreams about death.  They just kept getting worse.  Frigg, my mother was worried about my life as I was, and went out asking everything in the world to not harm me.  There was an evil god, his name was Loki.  He was quite a trickster.  He was jealous of me, jealous of how everyone loved me and I was a captivating god.  Him and his trickster ways Loki disguised himself and asked my mother Frigg what in the world could hurt me.  Thinking nothing of it mom told him that the only thing she didn't ask was the mistletoe plant.  Mistletoe was too young of a plant to take such an oath.  Immediately after that Loki went to the west to find a misteltoe plant.  When he returned he found my blind brother Hod.  Not knowing what the evil Loki was doing Hod let him guide his hand to throw the mistletoe dart right through my heart.  I died instantly.  When Frigg found out she had a god go ask everything and everyone to weep for my return so I could come back to life.  The god had achieved, except when he found one last person sitting alone in a cave.  The god asked if she would weep for me, but the old witch said no, and never wept for my return.  So I stay dead, not living up to my full life; but everyone has a story to tell, and that was mine, and how I died a sad, sorrowful death.    

Post #9.  

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Resolution of the Conflict.

The resolution of Balder's myth would be when not everyone weeps for him so he doesn't come back to life.  Now, that may sound like a sad scenario, but thinking about how scared Balder must have gotten his last couple days living that would be a legitmate calming resolution.        

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I belive the climax of Balder's myth is basically the same as the major conflict.  The part when Loki kills Balder with the mistletoe plant.  I think it would be the most important part because he was never supposed to be harmed or killed by anyone.  But Frigg, Balder's mother, didn't ask the small mistletoe plant to leave him alone and Loki found that out and used it against them.   

Post #7.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The setting in Balders myth would be most likely outside in a grassy courtyard.  Where Loki took the sphere of mistletoe and guided Hod's hand as he throws  it at Balder.  The grass turned hard under Balder's feet realizing what was happening, what was getting thrown at him.  He turns around, see's the mistletoe come toward him and falls to the ground. 
Another type of setting in this myth would be when the gods talk to the old hag Thokk about weeping for Balder's return.  They're sitting in a cave and you can just feel the cold air and hard gravel on the ground as she stubbornly says no. 
Post #4.
The major conflict in the story of Balder's death would probably be when he was killed.  He was never supposed to be harmed by anyone.  But the evil Loki found away around that and tricked Balder's blind brother, Hod, into throwing the mistletoe plant at Balder that Loki found.
Post #6  
Character Development.
There are a couple different mythical Gods in the story of Balder's death.  Balder's parents are Odin and Frigg.  Odin being the father, to become the Top Wise Guy,Odin put himself through some incredibly rigorous ordeals.  Frigg, the mother of Balder was the one who was worried most when Balder was having dreams about death, she then went to everyone and everything asking them to not hurt nor kill Balder.  She was successful besides the one mistletoe she didn't bother asking thinking it was too young.  Frigg knows everybody's destiny, but will never reveal it.  Loki, Balder's killer, was an evil one.  Loki went out one day to find the one thing Frigg did not ask to hurt him so he could kill Balder.  One of the world's top Trickster Gods, in Loki's early days he was a rascal.  The son of two giants, Laufey and Farbauti.  He was so outrageously mischievous that he even sneaked his way into becoming a God.  Hod, in the story of Balder's death was Balder's blind brother who was tricked by Loki into throwing the mistletoe and poor Balder.  Hod was killed by Vali in revenge.  Thokk was an old hag who Frigg found sitting in a cave.  She was the only one who wouldn't weep for Baler's return.  Some suggest that Thokk was actually the sneaky god Loki in disguise. 
Post #5.